Condo - program dla apartamentowców

CONDO hotel

Rent apartment settlement software

CONDO hotel software is used to settle accounts of rent
apartment building owners. It consists of two modules:

  • For the administrator to manage multiple apartments
    for rent from different owners.
  • Owner Portal – web application for the apartment owner.

The CONDO Hotel application streamlines the management
of apartments for rent operations, ensuring transparency
and convenience for administrators and property owners alike.


  • Settlement of apartment owners
    Managing and calculating settlements for individual apartment owners.
  • Reservation management
    Accepting and handling reservations efficiently.
  • Automated mailing with settlement details
    Sending automated emails to owners with detailed financial summaries.
  • Invoice issuance
    Generating and issuing invoices for services or stays.
  • Payment processing
    Managing and tracking payments seamlessly.

Owner Portal

  • Reservation calendar
    A comprehensive calendar displaying all reservations.
  • Owner’s reservations
    An option for owners to view and manage their own bookings.
  • Owner’s income
    A detailed overview of the income generated from the property.
  • Estimated profit for a specific period
    A calculation of projected earnings for a chosen timeframe.
  • Invoices
    Easy access to all invoices related to the property.

CONDO hotel

Settlement module

  • Comprehensive management of apartments for rent owned by various investors across one or multiple locations.
  • Streamlined settlement processes tailored to handle multiple ownership structures.

Owner Portal

  • Rent apartment administration
    Owners can independently manage their rent apartments.
  • Reservation calendar
    A user-friendly calendar to monitor and manage bookings in real time.
  • Income reports
    Detailed reports on revenue generated by the rent apartment(s), providing full transparency.
Condo hotel - portal właściciela
Condo hotel aplikacja