Google Hotel
free booking links
Ekoncept Booking Engine integrated with hotel booking links on Google
How do free booking links work
in Google search?
Google Hotel Free Links is a free service for hotel properties.
When searching for a specific hotel by name, its business profile appears on the right-hand side of the search results. Hotel booking prices are also displayed on Google Maps.
If a hotel is connected to the Google Hotel Free Links service, users can check room availability and prices for selected dates directly from Google’s pages. After checking availability and clicking the hotel’s link, the user is redirected to the hotel’s booking system on its official website. This means the reservation is completed directly in the hotel’s system without additional fees for intermediaries. Importantly, this service is completely free.

Why is it important for booking links to direct
users to the hotel’s website?
When a hotel also uses intermediary booking systems, such as OTAs (Online Travel Agencies), those results may also appear on Google pages. However, in such cases, the booking process continues on the OTA websites, including all the fees that the hotel must pay when collaborating with online agencies.
Therefore, it is crucial for Google search results to display a direct booking link to the hotel’s own website alongside OTA results. This allows the hotel to redirect transactions to its own booking system. Direct booking – reservations made directly with the hotel through Google pages – helps the hotel avoid intermediary fees and maintain full control over the booking process.
Benefits of the Google Free Booking Links
- Visibility of prices and availability
- Direct booking – reservations are directed
to the hotel’s booking system - Free service
- No OTA commissions
- Visibility of offers on Google Maps
- An additional sales channel
- Advertising opportunities (Google Hotel Ads)

How can a hotel use Google Hotel Free Links?
For a hotel to be visible in the free booking links service, its booking system (booking engine) must be integrated with Google’s system.
The booking engine used by the hotel’s website must support this integration. Ekoncept is one of Google’s integration partners in the free booking links program.
If you want to take advantage of the free booking links in Google search results, simply contact us, and we will propose a tailored solution for your hotel property.
Ekoncept is an official Google integration partner in the Booking Hotel Free Links program.

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