Hotel key
in guest’s phone
Reliable access control in hotels and apartment buildings.
Mobile key as an extension of the Virtual Reception guest
application is an element of full automation of service in the hotel.
- Automatic activation for a given room
- Access zones
- Automatic deactivation of access
- Integration with online reception
- One application, two functions
Advantages of a mobile key
in a hotel
- Touchless door unlocking using a mobile application (iOS/Android) by a hotel guest
- Remote door unlocking by the administrator from anywhere
- Registration of users / entries / exits and time
- Remote deactivation of the mobile key for a specific user
- Different levels of access (one key can open selected rooms)
- Created with strong data privacy and high security in mind

Ekoncept offers three mobile key solutions
- Dormakaba Locks
- SALTO Locks
- VingCard
The locking systems of these companies are integrated with our the guest application – Virtual Reception. Our hotel online reception provides fully automatic service for hotel guests. Simultaneous operation of the mobile key and hotel cards in one system.
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